Fee Structure

Fee Structure for the Academic Year 2023-2024

Fee Structure from Grade V to VIII

SL No Fee Structure Amount (RS) Amount (US $)
1 Admission fee 100,000.00 3,000.00
2 Security deposit 100,000.00 3,000.00
3 Cost for first outfit 20,000.00 600.00
4 Fee for the first term* 500,000.00 14,500.00
5 Cost of school books 2,000.00 100.00
6 Cost of agreement bond 200.00 5.00
7 Imprest towards expenses** 50,000.00 1,500.00
8 Tours & Treks 50,000.00 800.00
Total amount at the time of admission 822,200.00 23,505.00
9 Fee for the second term (01st October) 175,000.00 5,000.00
Total amount in the year of admission 997,200.00 28,505.00

*Fees include tuition fees, boarding expenses and all other expenses related to residential life. Fees are payable in two installments. The first installment is payable at the time of admission along with the admission fee. The second installment is payable on 1st October. Fees in $ (Dollar) is the net amount receivable by the school and all transfer charges are to be borne by the parents. All expats, NRI’s and parents residing outside India (except SAARC countries) have to pay fees in $ (Dollar).

**Imprest towards expenses includes all expenses incurred by the boys on toiletries, tuck shop, general store, medical investigations done outside etc. An account of all expenses incurred during the year is prepared and given to the parents at the end of the year. The balance amount that is not spent is carried over to the next year.

Note: Fee paid will not be refunded once the child is admitted to School.

Fee Structure for Grade IX & X

SL No Fee Structure Amount (RS)Amount (US $)
1Admission fee100,000.003,000.00
2Security deposit100,000.003,000.00
3Cost for first outfit20,000.00600.00
4Fee for the first term*500,000.0014,500.00
5Cost of school books2000.00100.00
6Cost of agreement bond200.005.00
7Imprest towards expenses**75,000.002000.00
8Tours & Treks50,000.00800.00
 Total amount at the time of admission 847,200.0024,005.00
9Fee for the second term * (01st October)175,000.005,000.00
 Total amount in the year of admission1,022,200.0029,005.00

*Fees include tuition fees, boarding expenses and all other expenses related to residential life. Fees are payable in two installments. The first installment is payable at the time of admission along with the admission fee. The second installment is payable on 1st October. Fees in $ (Dollar) is the net amount receivable by the school and all transfer charges are to be borne by the parents. All expats, NRI’s and parents residing outside India (except SAARC countries) have to pay fees in $ (Dollar).

**Imprest towards expenses includes all expenses incurred by the boys on toiletries, tuck shop, general store, medical investigations done outside etc. An account of all expenses incurred during the year is prepared and given to the parents at the end of the year. The balance amount that is not spent is carried over to the next year.

Note: Fee paid will not be refunded once the child is admitted to School.

IGCSE – Students opting for the IGCSE curriculum in Grade IX will have to pay a onetime sum of Rs. 75,000/- (US $ 1200 for all expats and NRIs) to cover all the additional cost of resources, boarding expenses during school vacation etc along with the tuition fees.

Fee Structure for Grade XI & XII (ISC)

SL No Fee Structure Amount (RS)Amount (US $)
1Admission fee100,000.003,000.00
2Security deposit100,000.003,000.00
3Cost for first outfit20,000.00600.00
4Fee for the first term*537,500.0016,000.00
5Cost of school books2,000.00100.00
6Cost of agreement bond200.005.00
7Imprest towards expenses**75,000.002,000.00
8Tours & Treks50,000.00800.00
 Total amount at the time of admission 884,700.0025,505.00
9For the second term*187,500.005,500.00
 Total amount in the year of a admission1,072,200.00 31,005.00

*Fees include tuition fees, boarding expenses and all other expenses related to residential life. Fees are payable in two installments. The first installment is payable at the time of admission along with the admission fee. The second installment is payable on 1st October. Fees in $ (Dollar) is the net amount receivable by the school and all transfer charges are to be borne by the parents. All expats, NRI’s and parents residing outside India (except SAARC countries) have to pay fees in $ (Dollar).

**Imprest towards expenses includes all expenses incurred by the boys on toiletries, tuck shop, general store, medical investigations done outside etc. An account of all expenses incurred during the year is prepared and given to the parents at the end of the year. The balance amount that is not spent is carried over to the next year.

Note: Fee paid will not be refunded once the child is admitted to School.

Fee Structure — IBDP (Year One)

SL No Fee Structure Amount (RS) Amount (US $)
1 Admission fee 100,000.00 3,000.00
2 Security deposit 100,000.00 3,000.00
3 Cost for first outfit 20,000.00 600.00
4 Fee for the first term* 612,500.00 21,250.00
5 Miscellaneous resources costs 150,000.00 2,800.00
6 Cost of agreement bond 200.00 5.00
7 Imprest towards expenses** 75,000.00 2,000.00
8 Tours & Treks 50,000.00 800.00
Total amount at the time of admission 1,107,700.00 33,455.00
9 For the second term* (01st October) 212,500.00 7,250.00
Total amount in the year of admission 1,320,200.00 40,705.00

(Year Two)

SL No Fee Structure Amount (RS) Amount (US $)
1 Fee for the first term* 612,500.00 21,250.00
2 Imprest towards expenses** 75,000.00 2,000.00
3 Tours & Treks 50,000.00 800.00
4 For the second term* (01st October) 212,500.00 7,250.00
Total 950,000.00 31,300.00

*Fees include tuition fees, boarding expenses and all other expenses related to residential life. Fees are payable in two installments. The first installment is payable on 1st May and the second installment is payable on 1st October. Fees in $ (Dollar) is the net amount receivable by the school and all transfer charges are to be borne by the parents. All expats, NRI’s and parents residing outside India (except SAARC countries) have to pay fees in $ (Dollar). Fees for the second year is subject to change.

**Imprest towards expenses includes all expenses incurred by the boys on toiletries, tuck shop, general store, medical investigations done outside etc. An account of all expenses incurred during the year is prepared and given to the parents at the end of the year. The balance amount that is not spent is refunded along with the final settlement of accounts.

Note: Fee paid will not be refunded once the child is admitted to School.


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Admissions open for the academic session 2025-26