
Information Resource Centre

The well-lit and airy library is a welcome place at SBA. This learning resource centre is well equipped for various research needs of the school community. The library of SBA with its excellent collection of books, periodicals and multimedia and a variety of services, acts as a support and inspiration to the teaching and learning community of the School.

Currently we have 10850 Books, 455 DVDs, 20 Audio Cassettes and 26 subscribed periodicals. The library subscribes to online database & IB/IG resources annually. Its collection comprises predominantly literature on text books related to various curriculum, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Biographies, Self-Help, Science Fiction, Music, Hindi short stories & Fiction. Teachers and students make use of the resources for various projects. It is a fully automated learning resource centre. 

Our Grade V students have a cosy reading corner and a collection of books that deeply interest their young minds. The school library provides information and ideas that are fundamental to functioning successfully in today’s information and knowledge-based society. It equips students with life-long learning skills and develops the imagination, enabling them to live as responsible citizens.

School Library Manifesto


The library provides a welcoming learning environment for students and staff; supports the school’s aims and curriculum; encourages the love of reading and the development of students’ independent learning skills.

Opening Hours

The library is open every school day from 08.00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m.

Library Periods

According to the school time table, the students of Class V-XII can visit the library for the issue and return of the books during their library periods. They can read reference books, periodicals, news papers during this time and also participate in library activities.

Borrowing Information


01 book for a period of 01 week

Faculty and staff

Teaching-07 books for a period of 15 days. Admin staff-05 books for a period of 15 days. Technical staff- 02 books for a period of 1 week. The users should submit their ID cards for the automated circulation of books.

Class Libraries

Class libraries are functioning for classes V to VII.

Open Access and Classification

The library follows an open access system. The books are classified and shelved, category-wise, according to the Dewey decimal classification. Every book is bar-coded and spine labels are attached.

Library Automation

The stock and services of the library has been automated with Campus Care library module, Integrated Library Management software. An online catalogue of library holdings is available. Patrons can search by using keywords, title, author, accession number, publisher and category.


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Admissions open for the academic session 2025-26

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