The Inter class chart making competition was a week-long programme involving all the students. The competition saw the students divided into different categories comprising of different classes clubbed together. The competition was divided into four categories. The first category comprised of fifth and sixth graders; the second category had the students of seventh and eighth grades; the third category constituted of the ninth and tenth graders and the senior-most category comprised of eleventh and twelfth graders.
Each category was given a different topic to prepare charts on and decorate their classrooms with. The chart making competition was enthusiastically taken up by the students of all grades. Different classes came up with very different and innovative ideas to fill their class with various colours and designs. The inter class chart making competition helped the students get to know their classmates on a whole new level.
The competition also helped the students discover their talents in the field of art and craft. Each member of the class contributed to the display put up by the respective classes. The chart making competition acted as a very good platform for the new students to get completely comfortable with the rest of the class. The chart making week ended on the 13th of June with all the students coming out with flying colours.